How much is shipping for online orders?
When will pre-order products be shipped?
How long does it take for my online order to ship?
Can multiple users share an account?
How do I change my password?
How do I move a Scout to a new unit?
How do I share my Scout selling page?
Can Scouts do online sales through the App?
How do I view my Scout’s online orders from last year?
How do Scouts record their sales if there are multiple Scouts working a storefront shift?
If there are 2 Scouts selling at a storefront shift, do they both have to log in to sell from their own app?
How do I refund a storefront sale?
How does a Scout claim their Trail's End Rewards?
How many points are earned for different sales types?
What are the Trail's End Rewards tiers?
How does Cash to Credit work?
How do we connect a Bluetooth Square reader?
Can Scouts take credit card payment without a Square Reader?
Can Scouts sell with a paper order form?
How do I contact Trail's End Support?
Is internet access required to use the app?
When can my unit reserve storefronts arranged by Trail's End?
How do I Reserve a Trail's End Storefront?
Our Unit claimed two storefronts on the same day and the same location. Can they be merged into one storefront?
When adding a storefront, my store is not in the list.
How do I set default Storefront Settings?
I'm getting an error "the requested timeslot overlaps with a controlled timeslot".
How do I closeout a storefront using the closeout guide?
How do Storefront Sales work?
How are Storefront sales split when I make sales?
After January 1st, how do I enter a sale for the previous season?
How do I manage my Scouts' wagon inventory?
How do I record sales taken on the paper order form?
What steps must I take to submit Trail's End Rewards?
Total Sales exceed Total Ordered+Online Sales.
Why do my rewards say "Pending Payment"?
How do I wrap up my unit sale?
How does our unit receive online commissions?
How do I enter a Unit-to-Unit product transfer?