When can my unit reserve storefronts arranged by Trail's End?
How do I Reserve a Trail's End Storefront?
Our Unit claimed two storefronts on the same day and the same location. Can they be merged into one storefront?
When adding a storefront, my store is not in the list.
How do I set default Storefront Settings?
I'm getting an error "the requested timeslot overlaps with a controlled timeslot".
How do I closeout a storefront using the closeout guide?
How do Storefront Sales work?
How are Storefront sales split when I make sales?
After January 1st, how do I enter a sale for the previous season?
How do I manage my Scouts' wagon inventory?
How do I record sales taken on the paper order form?
What steps must I take to submit Trail's End Rewards?
Total Sales exceed Total Ordered+Online Sales.
Why do my rewards say "Pending Payment"?
How do I wrap up my unit sale?
How does our unit receive online commissions?
How do I enter a Unit-to-Unit product transfer?